Okay I'm going to say this once and I am only going to say this once. Before you all start sending me hate mail here is one thing that you should all be warned about before viewing the content:

A) It depicts the death of innocent stick figures


B) It is not very good animation wise

Yes people, it may suprise you but I am not a professional animator (though I'm getting there). So my early works are quite, well, let's just say crap. But keep checking back cause I will try to make every new movie better then the last. Thanx, peace out.

New Series :: Sewer Adventures - Check out the un-finished version, it is only 335kb and is actually pretty funny. It still has a few bugs but is pretty funny.

The Rat gets bashed!!! - Look at that rat about to be bashed, what a RAT!!!

!! Exclusive !! : First ever Rat Movie!!! - look at that stupid rat. It doesn't even have a tail. What a RAT!!!

Lance tries to skateboard - Dude on a skateboard attempts to grind a rail but then remembers that he can't ollie though by that time his head is splattered all over the place. Tip: hit Refresh on your browser to view the movie again.

Stick Guy gets splattered again - This is much the same as the first one, the dude tries to grind and fucks himself up. However this one has a lot more blood and is a bit more technical than the last.

The Biggest Transfer of them all!!! - Yeah watch it. The graphics are a bit nicer in this one but the guy doesn't hurt. Maybe cause he's so good. Uhm yeah.

Another hit and a lot of pain accident - This is not the official sequel to all my other crap. This is just something I found on my hard drive. This is actually not very good but it's like 2KB and it's pretty funny so you might just as well download it right?

Man jumps off building! - So a guy decides to commit suicide and on the way down warns you that things could 'get messy'. It's pretty funny better then my last clips.

Want more stickdeath animations? Check out this site:
