Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings demo review


Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings is based on J.R Tolkein's book of the same name instead of on the actual movies. This means that some parts might not look exactly like the movie.

Never the less it is still one great game. You assume the roles of characters such as Frodo and the Wizard and each character has two types of basic attacks, a short range and long range attacks.

The demo is definately right up there with all the other good demos because it is quite long ( covers 3 levels ) and has 2 bosses. You also get to control three different characters, Frodo, that guy with the sword and the wizard.

The three levels included is Hobbiton, a trail leading through a mountain and a labyrinth. Out of all these the Labyrinth is definately the hardest. Also, the mountain and Labyrinth have a boss.

Graphic wise Lord of the Rings is not spectacular in the graphics department but the visuals get the job done and you will still need a beefy system to play it at maximum graphic setting.

Overall I give the LOTR demo


Check out some screenshots at the PC Game World website