I'm going to tell you something I haven't told a lot of people
before... I am obsessed with UFO's and conspiracies. I mean,
if it is true that the government has alliens and UFO's in
its posession, finding out about this and exposing it would
have to be in the top 10 greatest historical events right?
Most of you have probably heard of the random 'UFO' sightings,
either from watching a T.V show, the internet, or even, a
friend. The truth is, most so called, 'UFO sightings'
are usually either
1) A hoax some one does to fuck around and piss every one
who takes the subject of UFO's off
2) It is a mistake and is usually a falling comet or some
other crap that isn't a UFO.
But anywayz, why am I babbling on about this crap? Well it's
to introduce the next conspiracy ( and probably not the last
) on Band of Brothers on, probably the most accurate and beliavable
UFO event in history, Roswell.
The story of Roswell begins early in June 24, 1947. A professional
pilot by the name of Kenneth Arnold was flying his private
plane in the State of Washington when he noticed 9 un identified
craft in front of him travelling at tremendous speed (we're
talking 1300 miles per hour people). When asked by the media
what he saw he quoted "[it] was similar to a saucer skipping
across water" and so the term 'flying saucer' was born.
This term is still being used today though a more common term
nowdays is UFO's unidentified flying object which is
exactly what these things.
If you say 'I saw a UFO' a lot more people would believe
you than if you said 'flying saucer' because UFO can be anything
at all ( not including alliens ) that you don't know what
it is. Flying saucer is basically saying 'I saw an allien
Shortly after the Roswell incident things died down for about
30 years. The reasons for this are:
1) There were no telephones, no TV's, two radio stations
and two newspapers. Not a lot of media so it would have been
a lot harder for the information to reach citizens.
2) If the government told you to shut up for national security
reasons you did it and that was all.
Anyway, I'm talking a lot of crap. Let's lok at a time line
of what happened on July, 1947.
July 4th
We start off on a thunderstorm 11:30 at night on July 4th
1947. A ranch foreman ( I'm not sure I know what that means
) by the name of Mac Brazel hears an explosion but forgets
about it and goes back to sleep.
July 5th
The next morning Mac goes on horse back to check on his
sheep when he stumbles across a debris field several hundred
feet wide by three quarters of a mile long. There was so much
material that his heep didn't want to cross. He gathers some
of the material and stores it in his shead.
July 7th
Mac Brazel heads to town with some pieces of the debris
and stops by Sheriff Wilcox's office to see what the material
might be. Wilcox didn't so they contacted Roswell Army Air
Field and talked to Major Jesse Marcel, the Intellegence Officer
of the 509th Composite Bomb Wing.
When Marcel learnt what the Rancher Mac Brazel had on his
property he followed Mac back to his ranch with Captain Cavitt.
Arriving at dusk, too dark for them to see anything, Marcel
and Cavitt decided to wait the next morning, sleeping in an
old building on the ranch ( man times were good then ).
Marcel and Cavitt collect as much material as they could
fit in their vehicles to take back to the base.
Before returning however Marcel stops by his house to
show his wife and children the debris at 1a.m. Some of the
material was brought to the kitchen and spread out on the
table. Later recounts from Jesse Jr. when asked to describe
the material are : a small I-Beam type of material with writing
similar to hierglyphics and very thin material, today would
be referred to as a bake elite or plastic material. The material
could not be bent, burnt or dented. When crumbled would return
back to its original shape in seconds with no creases.
When Mac Brazel returned to his ranch the evidence
of the debris was gone, picked up by the military and taken
back to Roswell Army Airfield where 10 - 12 planes had "officially"
taken the weather balloon out of Roswell.
Colonal Blanchard would soon write up a report
as to what happened for distribution to the local media stating
that the Roswell Army Airfield had recovered a flying saucer
on a ranch near Rosewell, New Mexico. The article appeared
in the Daily Record and several other newspapers West of Chicago.
read the article click here
The cover up began when General Roger Ramey, in charge of
8th Air Force Headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas, summoned
Marcel up to Fort Worth with some of the debris so Ramey could
look at it and make a public announcement. According to what
Major Marcel said ( 30 years after the incident ) Ramey invited
Marcel into his office and told Marcel to put the debris on
his desk. After that Ramey invited Marcel into the map room
so Marcel could show him on the map where the incident happened.
When Marcel returned to Ramey's office the debris was no longer
there, and in its place, spread out on the floor, was a weater
Marcel asked what was going on to which Ramey responded 'you
pose with the debris for the pictures and I'll answer the
questions'. Up until the time Marcel died in 1986 he continued
to state that the material that he had posed with in the photos
were not the same material that he had found.
So General Ramey had started the cover up with photos to prove
it. He made a public announcement which was soon released
in the Roswell Daily Record stating that the 'flying disc'
was actually a weater balloon and it was mid identified by
Marcel. To read the article click below.
Link to newspaper article: Gen.Ramey Empties Roswell Saucer.
So that was it. The Roswell incident was over, for then.
Reading this story some of you might actually believe that
this was not a UFO but a weater balloon mistaken by the 509th.
But before you leave, I have some more information I think
you will be interested in which might slant your judgement
a tad.
A conspiracy... really?
Let us begin the discussion about whether this was a conspiracy
or not by examining Roswell Army Airfield as it was back in
1947. You probably did not know this but the people stationed
at the Roswell base were the most unique group in the world.
Mostly because they were the only atomic bomb group in the
world and the same people who dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima
and Negaski, Japan. These were very good soldiers with a lot
of experience.
So are you going to believe that such a highly qualified
unit as the 509th Composite Bomb Wing would mis identify a
weather balloon for a flying saucer? I think not.
Commanding Officer of the 509th was Colonel William Blanchard.
He was embarassed publically for his actions on the Roswell
incident however he later went on to become a four-star general.
Quite an advancement in position for some one who messed up
mis identifying a weater balloon in 1947 don't you think?
The second piece of the puzzle is to do with KGFL radio station.
Walt Whitmore, owner of KGFL decided to drive to Mac Brazel's
house and took him back into town making a wire recording
interview and keeping Mac at his house for the night. However
the Federal Communications Comission informed the station
that if the recording was aired they would have 24 hours to
find something else to do because they would no longer be
in the radio business.
Now if that doesn't sound like a conspiracy to you then
I don't know what does.
After the military located Mac Brazel and took him back to
base for several days for interrogation. When Mac was released
his story had changed and he no longer talked about the incident.
Obviously the military had interrogated him to a point where
he did not talk about the incident until the time of his death.
should also talk about a particular gentleman by the name
of Glenn Dennis, a local mortician employed by the Ballard
Funeral Home in Roswell at the time of the incident.
On July 5, 1947, Glenn said he received several phone calls
at the funeral home from the base asking about the chemicals
required in embalming fluid, and what effects bodies exposed
to the elements would have on tissue, stomach contents, etc.
He was also called and asked how many hermetically sealed
children's caskets he had in stock.
According to Dennis, he took an injured airman out to the
base in the funeral home ambulance, who had been injured in
a vehicle accident in town. (Ballard Funeral home had a contract
with the military base for ambulance service and funerals).
he arrived at the base infirmary he noticed metal, (debris),
in the back of several Army ambulances parked at the rear
entrance of the base hospital. He asked questions when he
got inside the hospital and was threatened by a 6' - 2" red
headed Captain, basically being told "if you go in to town
and spread any rumors, they'll be picking your bones out of
the sand".
He also saw a nurse that he knew very well coming out of
a store room with her face covered, nauseated, who told him
"to get out of here before you get in trouble".
The next day at the nurse's request, Glenn met the nurse
at the Officers Club, where she explained that she had been
involved with pathologist, taking notes, during their examination
of bodies. She described the beings to him, and according
to Glenn Dennis, she drew a picture of an alien hand and face
on the back of a prescription pad and gave it to him.
According to Glenn Dennis, the nurse was suddenly shipped
out the next day, supposedly to Europe, where shortly thereafter
it was reported that she had been killed in a plane crash.
There is no record of a plane crash.
Also of interest are the photographs taken in Ramey's office
in 1947 of the supposedly 'weather ballon' that 'crashed'
at "Roswelll", ye..
Well, the one below you can see General Ramey on the left
of Marcel kneeling down and if you look closely at General
Ramey's left hand you will notice that he is holding a tele
type message in his hand:
What's important about that tele type is that when magnified
and enhanced with computer software one can read the words
"discs" and "victims of the wreck forwarded
to (blank) at Fort Worth".
Now what could that possibly be about?
After reading this you might think to yourself. How can so
many people be involved in a cover up of this magnitude and
no one squeals ( whistle blowers ). Well just remember that
breaking the Enigma code involved 10 000 people and we found
out about it only 25 years after the war.
The government had not admitted the existence of Area 51
till 1995 and that place was around since the 1950's.
A third excuse was given by the government on what happened
in Roswell on September 8th, 1994. The Air Force released
a 2 1/2 inch thick report entitled "The Roswell Report:
Truth Versus Fiction in the New Mexico Dessert".
In this voluminous document, author Colonel Weaver stated
that what the Air Force concludes is, "that what was recovered
near Roswell wasn't a flying saucer with alien bodies, nor
was it a weather balloon and radar reflectors as General Ramey
stated in 1947, instead the wreckage probably consisted of
balloons, radar reflectors, sonobuoys, and miscellaneous junk
from a highly classified Project Mogul balloon assembly".
Project Mogul's objective, which was by the way started in
1946 and was highly classified, was to develop a constant
altitude balloon which could monitor sounds produced by a
Soviet nuclear explosion thousands of miles away. The first
Soviet nuclear explosion didn't take place until 1949.
The fourth excuse, (but if you're a wagering person), probably
not the last excuse, was ironically released 2 weeks prior
to the 50th anniversary of the Roswell Incident in June 1997.
Roswell and the UFO story was getting a lot of publicity for
the 50th anniversary, and the Air Force timing was exceptional.
Many people had bought into the Mogul balloon story put out
in 1994, and the Air Force would have been much better off
leaving things alone, but when they came out with the report
entitled "The Roswell Report: Case Closed" in 1997, they shot
them self in the foot.
That report is an embarrassment to anyone in
the Air Force and for those of us that have read it , it contains
so much inaccurate, misleading and wrong information that
there is no doubt that the Roswell Incident is not resolved
based on the excuses and reasons provided by the Air Force.
What they basically state happened near Roswell in 1947, in
this 219 page report written by a Captain James McAndrew,
is that it was a balloon dropping dummies......
I will not waste your time or mine to go into
any details of this report dealing with the excuse given,
that what happened in Roswell was anthropomorphic dummies.
I think the report was an insult to the intelligence of the
American public, and even though the report was titled "Case
Closed", it isn't.
So, I guess that is all on my summary of the
Roswell report. I must note however that much of my information
came from the Truthseeker at Roswell - Dennis Balthaser website
which you can visit by clicking on the link below. I would
like to thank every one who has read it and please e-mail
me with suggestions, praise, complaints or questions here.
at Roswell - Dennis Balthaser